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Refunding a customer when the card is present

This page talks you through how to refund a customer when you need to, such as customers returning goods to you after they have purchased them. 

Remember, you can only refund to the same card the goods/services were purchased from. You won't be able to refund a customer for more than the amount of their initial purchase(s).

  1. From the Home screen, select 'Refund'. 


  2. Enter the amount of the refund using the keypad. When you've entered this, press the green tick. 


  3. The terminal will prompt that Authorisation is required. You'll need to enter the 'Supervisor' User ID and password to continue. Press the green tick to continue. 

    This provides additional levels of security for your business, and ensures staff members cannot complete refunds unless they know the Supervisor login details. 



    If you don't know your Supervisor login, you can request help with this by using our message centre in app to contact us.

  4. The Verofy® Move will then ask you to present the card. The customer can insert or tap their card for the refund.

    If the customer used Apple/Android Pay for their inital purchase, they will need to use Apple/Android Pay for their refund. Apple/Android Pay uses a 'different card number' to the physical card itself, so not using the same method could cause a mismatch and may result in a declined refund. 


    If the card is inserted, the terminal will then prompt for the PIN to be entered. 


  5. If the refund amount and card presented are correct, the terminal will process the refund and you'll see the 'Success' screen.


    If the amount of the refund entered is too high or the card presented does not match, you'll see the 'Refund Not Allowed' message and the 'Declined' screen. The refund will be cancelled and you'll need to start again. 


  6. The terminal will then print the Customer copy of the receipt, followed by the Merchant copy. 



    This completes the refund. 