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in Verofy® App

This page shows you how to send pay link in the Verofy® App through the Verofy® PayLinks product. 

  1. You'll need to begin by locating your Verofy® PayLinks in the Verofy® App. If you've not done this already, you can click here for help. 

  2. Once you've pressed Get started, you'll see tabs which show you Transactions, Active links and Archived links. Press Create New Link to start a new pay link transaction. 


  3. Start by entering the amount of the transaction you wish to send a pay link for. Once you've done this, press the green tick to continue. 


  4. Next, you need to select the type of pay link you want to create. 


    Follow the onscreen instructions to enter the required information depending on the type of pay link. Press continue once you've entered the requred information. 


    One off paymentYou'll need to enter a Reference and a message, and set the start and expiry date of the link. 

    Repeat payment- You'll need to enter a Reference and a message, set the start and expiry date of the link, and set the frequency of the repeat payment (daily, weekly, monthly or yearly). 

    Multi-use paymentYou'll need to enter a Reference and a message, set the start and expiry date of the link, and confirm the number of uses the link has (you can either select a defined number of uses or tick to make the link unlimited). 

  5. Next, you need to enter the phone number(s) and/or email addresses that you want the pay link to be sent to. Be sure to press the blue plus button to add the number/email or you may find your customer does not receive the pay link. Once you've added the number/email, you'll see the contact information in a grey box. Once you've added all the neccessary contacts, press continue. 


  6. You'll then see the Success page, which shows the details of the pay link, and confirms it's been sent to your customer. You'll also be able to copy the link from here if you need to. Once you're done, press Finish.


  7. The Verofy® App will then return to the Verofy® PayLinks dashboard. Click into Active links to see the links you've sent to your customers. Once the customer pays, the transaction will show in the Transactions tab. 


That's it! You've sent a Verofy® PayLinks from the Verofy® App. 
