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Z reports - Verofy® transactions

This page describes what a Z report shows, and talks you through how to complete one on your Verofy® Move.

What is a Z-report?

The Z report feature on your Verofy® Move can be found in the Admin menu on your terminal. It provides you with a summary of the transactions volume and quantity taken on your Verofy® Move from the period of your last Z report to now.

If you have your Amex Merchant ID configured on your terminal, you'll see two options when you select the Z report (End of Day) button. For Verofy® transactions, you need to select the Bambora option. After a Z report is done, it 'resets' the totals on the terminal. It does not submit the transactions to the bank - this happens automatically after each transaction. 


How does the Z report look?

Here is an example of how the Z report will look. As you can see, you see the total sales and refunds in the top half of the report, followed by a breakdown of the card scheme totals at the bottom. The Net Total amount is the total for the Z report.


What is the best time to do a Z report?

We would recommend completing a Z report after the last transaction or at the time of the banking window (11:59PM GMT). This allows accurate reporting so you can easily compare the settled batches you receive with the figures on your Z reports. 

How often should you run a Z report?

Whilst there is no requirement to run a Z report everyday, we would recommend this as best practice. 

Why does my Z report show a 'mismatch'?

If your Z report ever shows a mismatch, you should raise this with us so we can investigate - you can do this by contacting us by phone or via the message centre in app. 
