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How to check user group permissions or create your own

To check user group permissions or create your own user group in Verofy® Cloud, log in and head to the Settings cog at the top right of the screen. 



You'll be directed to the Users tab. From here, select the User groups tab. You'll see the default user groups that are set up for you - they are Admin, Standard User and Manager. 


Here's a snapshot of the permissions defined for each of the default user groups:

Admin - This group is reserved for the business owner(s), this account type allows for full access rights to all functionality and business reporting.


Standard User - This group is reserved for the employees and staff of the business, this account type has restricted access rights to functionality and business reporting.



If the default user groups don't work for your business, you can create your own User Group - and take control of what users in this group can access.

Creating your own User Group

To create your own user group, click the Create a new group button from the User groups tab. 



You'll need to enter a name for the User group along with a short description. In the example below, we'll create a user group for the shop manager. 


You'll then be able to choose what access users assigned to this group will have. In this example, we've chosen to allow the user access to Transactions information, vPayment products, and visibility of the widgets for daily transaction totals. Once you've set the permissions, click Save at the bottom of the page. 

